Kamis, 29 September 2016

Two Thing Always Me Bring

Zubair Rasyid HS

Two Things Always Me Bring
Assalamu’alaikum wr wb

Good morning ladies and gentleman, I hope they in milieu happy.
Okey in that posting I will tell you all about two things that always me bring everywhere i’m go . I feel two thing the will I mention maybe same with friends because I opinion two things is must you bring everywhere.

The first thing is wallet, why I say wallet ??? because when we go definite we will bring a moneys and maybe a picture, leters or cards example ATM card, health card, SIM card, and identity card (as School student, University student, worker, KTP, etc) so wallet as it should are must we bring everywhere.

Second is Handphone, in the globalisation era and modern handphone become main necassary for everyone. With measure the not large until facilitate everyone for bring everywhere. In the time handphone already stake very sophisticated and is diffirent with previous time is maybe handphone onlys for sent message and for call contact. But handphone at the globalisation era done call SMARTPHONE, why? Because Smartphone can access all information in the world. A Smartphone have multifungtion for social media, find informations, etc. Smartphone have many aplication sosmed excample BBM, Facebook, Instagram, Line, Whatsapp, Twitter, Path, etc and you use google in smartphone for find informations. And smartphone also prepare varios aplication and you can download at store in the smartphone excample Kamus, Al-qur’an saku, guitar chord, pictures and videos editor, game etc.

Maybe i thought two thing is usual everywhere.
Thank for your attention and done reading my post, maybe any mistake in the writing et all i’m sorry because i here in the study. Comment and sugestion can your write at comment under.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

Jumat, 23 September 2016


Zubair Rasyid HS

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb
First of all, Let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given guidance and blessing to us, Our sholawat and greeting are always delivered on our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, which has brought us from darkness to brighter.

At this occasion i will load about sellfie picture. Honest I not so fond of like selfie picture and I confused for explain why I selfie picture, but because in this matrial receive task to posting selfie pciture along with explanation so I will explain what do I mean about selfie pciture.

            In this selfie picture the moment I’m and my friends to use we holiday for traveling to “Riam Dait” or we mention “Air Terjun Pal 28” why this call Pal 28 because of the road for reach to Air Terjun Pal 28 around 28 kilometer. Maybe 28 kilometer feel near if at street the fine, but 28 kilometer we reach feel so far because the road very damaged and full challenge the can waist sick, but all that never mind because feel tired paid by beautiful scenery, in this make me to immortalize picture with selfie picture .
I think that’s all my write. I hope it is useful for you all, i’m sorry fro any words that unpleasing you heart. Thank you very much for you attention and see you.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb

Kamis, 22 September 2016

Material the third week of tenses

Zubair Rasyid HS

Yaitu untuk menyatakan rutinitas, fakta umum dan kejadian saat ini atau yang sedang di alami sekarang.

Positif                   (+) Subject + Verb  1
Negatif                                 (-) Subject + do/does + not + Verb 1
Interogatif          (?) Do/does + Subject + Verb 1 ?

I, you, they, we = Verb 1
She, he, it = Verb (s/es)

Example :
You eat 3 times a day                                     She eats 3 times a day
You don’t eat 3 time a day                           She doesn’t eats 3 times a day
Do You eat 3 times a day ?                           Does She eats 3 times a day ?

Yaitu untuk menjelaskan atau menyatakan kejadian dimasa lampau atau dimasa yang telah berlalu.

Positif                   (+) Subject + Verb 2
Negatif                 (-) Subject + did + not + Verb 1
Interogatif          (?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 ?

Example :
We ran throught the park                           
We didn’t run thorght the park
Did We run thought the park ?

Yaitu untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung.

Positif                   (+) : Subject + be + Verb ing
Negatif                 (-) : Subject + be + not + Verb ing
Interogatif          (?) : Be + Subject + Verb ing ?


+ Verb ing
{Bisa diganti dengan Adjektif (kata sifat), Adverb (Keterangan), Noun (benda)}

Example :
Ana and Linda Open the account

Positif                   (+) : Ana and Linda are opening the account
Negatif                 (-) : Ana and Linda are not opening the account
Interogatif          (?) : Are Ana and Linda opening the account ?

Positif                   (+) : Ana and Linda were opening the account
Negatif                 (-) : Ana and Linda were not opening the account
Interogatif          (?) : Were Ana and Linda opening the account ?

Yaitu menjelaskan atau mengekspresikan kejadian yang belum terjadi, masih direncanakan, atau kejadian di masa yang akan datang.

Rumus :
Positif                   (+) : Subject + will + Verb 1
Negatif                 (-) : Subject + will + not + Verb 1
Interogatif          (?) : Will + Subject + Verb 1 ?

Example :
(+) : They will go to campus by bus
(-) : They will not go to campus by bus
(?) : Will They go to campus by bus ?

Yaitu untuk menyatakan atau menjelaskan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan hasilnya masih terasa/terlihat.

Rumus :
Positif                   (+) : Subject + has/have + Verb 3
Negatif                 (-) : Subject + has/have + not + verb 3
Interogatif          (?) : Has/have + Subject + Verb 3 ?

Example :
(+) I have read the book
(-) I have not read the book

(?) have I read the book ?

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Jumat, 09 September 2016

Why choosing the study major

Hello ladies and gantleman. In this occasion, i would like to tell you about story school and why i choose major computer system in tanjungpura university. Before i narrate please me to introduce my self, my name zubair rasyid hs, i was born balai karangan, june 10 1998. I study at a elementary school 1 sekayam, a time very happy, i can playing i that like. And junior high school 1 sekayam, a time is naughty, and last i study at senior high school 1 sekayam it is period very beautiful, a period where i joined organizations that make me adult more.

Oke next, i will narrate why i choose major computer system in Mathematics and natural sciences faculty in tanjungpura university.time i child i like playing game in the gameboard, tendo, playstations, and computer to this day I still play the game. Emerge a questation to mind and emerge curiosity feel of me. Finally of the SNMPTN test i chosing course that related of cumputer is informatika technique and computer system but i fail, and i try again of SBMPTN and i successful computer system in tanjungpura university. Other motivation why i choose major computer system is my view about the world this technology completely and a business now need worker the understand computer.
Thanks for your attantion and see you :).

Zubair rasyid hs