Zubair Rasyid HS
Two Things Always Me Bring
wr wb
morning ladies and gentleman, I hope they in milieu happy.
Okey in
that posting I will tell you all about two
things that always me bring everywhere i’m go . I feel two thing the will I
mention maybe same with friends because I opinion two things is must you bring
The first
thing is wallet, why I say wallet ??? because when we go definite we will bring
a moneys and maybe a picture, leters or cards example ATM card, health card,
SIM card, and identity card (as School student, University student, worker,
KTP, etc) so wallet as it should are must we bring everywhere.
Second is
Handphone, in the globalisation era and modern handphone become main necassary
for everyone. With measure the not large until facilitate everyone for bring
everywhere. In the time handphone already stake very sophisticated and is
diffirent with previous time is maybe handphone onlys for sent message and for
call contact. But handphone at the globalisation era done call SMARTPHONE, why?
Because Smartphone can access all information in the world. A Smartphone have
multifungtion for social media, find informations, etc. Smartphone have many aplication
sosmed excample BBM, Facebook, Instagram, Line, Whatsapp, Twitter, Path, etc
and you use google in smartphone for find informations. And smartphone also
prepare varios aplication and you can download at store in the smartphone
excample Kamus, Al-qur’an saku, guitar chord, pictures and videos editor, game
Maybe i
thought two thing is usual everywhere.
Thank for
your attention and done reading my post, maybe any mistake in the writing et
all i’m sorry because i here in the study. Comment and sugestion can your write
at comment under.
wr wb.